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Oasis Technology Ltd.
作者姓名:James E. Hatch; Charles Boulakia; David Beckow
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A99N042
出版日期:2001/04/23內容長度:20 頁

Oasis Technology Ltd. is a leading provider of e-commerce payment software. In this highly competitive industry the company had global exposure and the market was growing, but they would have to continue to be aggressive with their research and development and distribution channels to maintain the customers they have and to establish new ones. Their current bank could no longer continue the funding for their operational costs and the relationship .....more

作者姓名:Sid L. Huff; David Beckow;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A98E019
出版日期:1999/01/29內容長度:14 頁

Homegrocer is a new Internet-based grocery store that is experiencing slow market penetration because the business concept entails fundamentally changing individual grocery shopping behavior. The owner is wondering what it takes to attract new customers and then convert them into repeat customers. Other issues include lack of management IT experience, anticipated hyper-growth, investment decisions needed in a quickly changing industry and funding .....more